
Hi there, are you a travel and nomadic lover who wants to experience the life and culture of people outside the borders of your country? You are in the right place. I never imagined that I would visit the most beautiful destinations in the world like Bali and the Phi Phi Islands. An amazing experience. Today, more and more people are opting for this lifestyle, including people from underdeveloped countries like Macedonia who visit a variety of destinations around the world, combining enjoyment and work. Whether you’re opting for a week’s work in Spain, or a year of living in Peru, technology development and remote work bring us opportunities we could never have imagined. The world is really in our hands. Here you can see the destinations I have visited so far.


If you do most of your work on a computer, you are already “qualifying” for a digital nomad. If you are thinking of such an adventure, take a look at the online community Nomad List – there you will find information about the most popular locations with their strengths and weaknesses, as well as other experiences from people who have experienced life as a digital nomad. This is an archive of things found, things enjoyed and things shared.